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Videos, examples, links and lots of other information about the Divi drag and drop pagebuilder theme - the theme to beat in 2014Bloom email opt-in plugin: with in-depth documentation
No matter how good a plugin is, if it comes with poor documentation and you have to spend hours surfing the web for setup and configuration instructions, it’s not worth having.
No such problem with the Bloom email optin plugin, which comes with in-depth documentation in both text and video format. The documentation not only shows you how to configure Bloom but also gives you lots of creative ideas and examples that you can use on your own website.
This post is a concise summary of the official Bloom documentation provided by Elegant Themes brought together in a single post for easy reference.
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Bloom email opt-in plugin: the ultimate list builder
The announcement that the Bloom email opt-in plugin is available for download was made in a blog post on the Elegant Themes blog. Within three days of the post being published it had received over five hundred comments.
Something tells me that Bloom is going to be one gloriously successful and hugely popular plugin.
So why all the excitement, is Bloom really as good as people are saying it is?
I think that the enthusiasm is more than justified and that it will do for email opt-in what Monarch did for social share and follow… and that’s setting the bar pretty high.
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Bloom email optin plugin: a closer look
No sooner had I finished my last post on the Bloom email optin plugin than Elegant Themes released a few more teasers about its imminent release.
The new information doesn’t tell us much more, but it does confirm that Elegant Themes have listened to the comments and suggestions in their blog posts and have added many of them to Bloom’s features.
Bloom will integrate with all the common email list managers… seamlessly. You will have complete control over where each of your optin forms appear on your site, you will be able to customize each form to blend into its chosen location and Bloom will provide you with stats and data that will allow you to test and optimise your campaigns.
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Bloom email optin plugin: coming soon… very soon
A quick question to start a very short post: if I told you that Elegant Themes are working on a new plugin called Bloom, what would you like that plugin to be?
If you said “an all singing all dancing email optin plugin” then you’re in luck, because that’s exactly what Bloom will be.
It’s not been released yet, but it will be pretty soon, so look on this post as a teaser, a sneak peek, a little something to whet your appetite.
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Divi Booster plugin: two premium widget areas
One of the many things that I love about WordPress is widget areas.
These clever little areas allow you to drag and drop your widgets into them, add text, graphics, links or whatever takes your fancy and hit save… that’s my kind of coding. Quick, clean and easily customised.
But did you know that the Divi Booster plugin allows you to create two widget areas with just a couple of mouse clicks?
The areas are: sticky widget area to left of screen and widget area below the navigation links and in this post I’ll be looking at how to activate and populate these two widget areas and… I’ll give you a few ideas on how you might use them.
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